05 Juil 2017

Bye-bye Super-Simone

Bye-bye Super-Simone

Mercredi 5 juillet 2017 :  Emmanuel MACRON (President de la Republique Francaise) a preside un hommage national rendu a Simone VEIL (grande figure politique et humaniste de la France, rescapee de la Shoah et mere de la loi rendant l’avortement libre, gratuit et legal). La ceremonie s’est tenue en presence de la famille, d’anonymes, et de nombreux representants politiques. Cour d’honneur des Invalides, Paris, France.
July 5, 2017: Emmanuel MACRON (French President) presided over a national tribute to Simone VEIL (France’s great political and humanist person, survivor of the Shoah and writter of the law making abortion free and legal). The ceremony was held in the presence of the family, anonymous, and political representatives. Cour d’honneur of the Invalides, Paris, France.
© Nicolas MESSYASZ / Hans Lucas