15 Avr 2017

Joyeuses Claques

Joyeuses Claques

Francois FILLON (ancien Premier Ministre), candidat pour l’election presidentielle francaise (LR – Les republicains), a assiste a la fin de la messe de  Paques a l’eglise copte de Chatenay-Malabry (Hauts-de-Seine, 92), France, le 15 Avril 2017.
Francois FILLON (former French Prime Minister), candidate for the French presidential election (LR – The Republicans), attended the end of the Mass of Easter at the Coptic church of Chatenay-Malabry (Hauts-de-Seine, 92 ), France, on April 15, 2017.
© Nicolas Messyasz / Sipa Press