La dernière poursuite
Le temps des colonies
Jose GONZALEZ (RN Rassemblement National, Doyen de l’assemblee). Public and first session of XVth legislature of the Fifth French Republic. National Assembly, June 21, 2017, Paris, France. Premiere seance et … Le temps des colonies
Le Loup Pendu
L’effet Joplin
Concert de fin d’année du cours de guitare. 1ere année.
Petit tour d’Horizons
Edouard PHILIPPE (former french prime minister, Horizons, LAREM) French President , made an appointment with the representatives of the political forces whose vocation is to form a group in the … Petit tour d’Horizons
Consultation des plus forts
Olivier FAURE (member of french parlementary, PS Parti Socialiste NUPES) French President , made an appointment with the representatives of the political forces whose vocation is to form a group … Consultation des plus forts
Los Asnieres
Biscotte et myrtille sauvage
Walk of Emmanuel MACRON and Maia SANDU, President of Moldova, in the streets and park of Chisinau, June 15, Chisinau, Moldova. Deambulation de Emmanuel MACRON et Maia SANDU, presidente Moldave, … Promenade
Les entretiens de velours
Emmanuel MACRON welcomed by Maia Sandu, President of Moldova, at the State Residence of Moldova, June 15, Chisinau, Moldova. Emmanuel MACRON accueilli par Maia Sandu, presidente Moldave, a la Residence … Les entretiens de velours
Universal Soldier
Emmanuel MACRON Emmanuel MACRON et Klaus Iohannis , le president Roumain, on passe en revue les troupes et soldats de l’Operation Aigle sur la base OTAN Mihail Kogalniceanu, Roumanie. 15 … Universal Soldier
Emmanuel MACRON (French President). Presentation of equipment and exchanges with the troops of the GGFP (battle group forward presence) on the NATO base Mihail Kogalniceanu, Romania. June 14, 2022. Presentation … Airborne
Mihail-Kogalniceanu Airport
Emmanuel MACRON. Arrival of the presidential Airbus at Mihail-Kogalniceanu airport (Constanta), Romania, on June 15, 2022. Arrivee de l’Airbus presidentiel a l’aeroport Mihail-Kogalniceanu (Constanta), en Roumanie, le 15 Juin 2022. … Mihail-Kogalniceanu Airport
Shades of Dark Green
Detachment of the French army 4 Regiment Chasseur de Gap (AMX 10-RC), on the Mihail Kogalniceanu Base, Romania. June 14, 2022. Detachement de l’armee francaise 4 Regiment Chasseur de Gap … Shades of Dark Green
Opération Aigle
OTAN / NATO Eagle Ops Servicing and maintenance of combat equipment and weapons. Belgian forces (army) (1/3 Battalion of Lancers) and French army 4th Regiment of Chasseur from Gap (AMX … Opération Aigle
Conférence de stress
Conference de presse de Jordan BARDELLA (president par interim du Rassemblement National), suite aux resultats du premier tour des elections legislatives francaises. Siege du RN, Paris, France. Paris, le 13 … Conférence de stress
Aux urnes Citoyens !
Bureau de vote N° 007 de Saint Denis. Ecole elementaire Paul Langevin de Saint-Denis, (93), France, le 12 Juin 2022. Elementary school in Saint-Denis, (93), France, June 12, 2022 © … Aux urnes Citoyens !
Protocole and Roll
French President, Emmanuel MACRON met with Macky SALL, President of the Republic of Senegal, on June 10, 2022 at the Elysee Palace, Paris, France. Le President de la Republique Francaise, … Protocole and Roll
A la poursuite de l’Aube
Toscane en Bretagne
Emmanuel MACRON, French President met with Mario DRAGHI, President of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Italy, during a working dinner, on June 8, 2022 at the Elysee … Toscane en Bretagne